RideWise serves Somerset County’s 67 SRTS eligible schools within 21 different municipalities. Spring time is always its busiest season, with bike and walk to school month as well as more active students enjoying the warmer weather. Early this spring, RideWise reestablished their partnership in the North Plainfield School District as well with the North Plainfield Police Department. North Plainfield high school and middle school got a head start on having bicycle and pedestrian safety and education, as well as received helmets through RideWise. The other schools in the district, West End, East End, and Stony Brook Elementary are featuring Safety Town, as well as bike & helmet safety later in May.
In the fall, RideWise began a bike safety program at the local YMCA in Somerset County, and has now expanded into the Franklin branch after care programs at: Franklin Park, Claremont, Conley Road, Macafee, and Hillcrest Schools. They will be doing Safety Town, RideWise’s pedestrian safety program that provides a portable hands-on learning experience about crossing the street safely and identifying street signs, hazards, and different parts of the road during the month of May.
The Bridgewater-Raritan school district also supports the Safe Routes to School program, and this spring will feature Bike Safety at Hamilton Primary, and the JFK Primary School in late April/May.
To learn more about the different bike and pedestrian safety programs at RideWise, please visit: https://ridewise.org/safe-routes-to-school/