Complete Streets in New Jersey
Complete streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Instituting a Complete Streets policy ensures that agencies routinely design and operate the entire right of way to enable safe access for all users. New Jersey has become a national leader in the Complete Streets movement, being among the first states in the US to adopt a Complete Streets policy.
How can I Learn More About Complete Streets?
There are several organizations and resources in New Jersey that can help with developing and implementing local Complete Streets policies, including:
- The New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center collects all adopted Complete Streets policies around New Jersey.
- A short video, The Complete Streets Movement in NJ, highlights municipalities that have embraced Complete Streets.
- Complete and Green Streets for All: Model Complete Streets Policy and Guide includes information on developing Complete Streets policies, adopting Complete Streets policies, checklists and resources.
- The New Jersey Department of Transportation Complete Streets website includes information on success stories, workshops, etc.

Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School – Perfect Together!
Safe Routes to School is a national initiative to create safer and more accessible environments for students to walk and bicycle to and from school. The New Jersey Safe Routes to School Resource Center provides statewide technical assistance in implementing programs and activities to make walking and biking to and from school an appealing and safe daily activity. Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School have numerous synergies, so it is only natural for them to work together to advocate for and to strengthen the practice of safely walking and bicycling to and from schools and throughout our communities.
New Jersey’s eight Safe Routes to School Regionals Coordinators offer a variety of services including help with Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School initiatives. Contact one in your area.
Complete Streets and Sustainable Jersey — Another Great Partnership!
The NJ Safe Routes to School Recognition Program and Sustainable Jersey and Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification programs have actions that help make communities more walkable and bikeable! It’s a great partnership!
Municipalities and schools that meet the requirements for the NJ Safe Routes to School Recognition Program can ALSO earn points toward Sustainable Jersey and Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification. Below are tutorials that provide guidance on how to implement actions under the Sustainable Jersey program that make communities walkable and bikeable. Specifically, Adopting Complete Streets Policy, can earn the municipality up to 25 points for Sustainable Jersey AND meets a requirement for Gold level NJ SRTS Recognition Program! Click here for more information on this partnership.
Complete & Green Streets for All: Model Policy & Guide
This guide is a one-stop resource for New Jersey municipalities, counties, agencies, organizations, and advocates with an interest in implementing Complete Streets in their communities. The elements of this Model Complete Streets Policy sharpen the focus on implementing comprehensive Complete Streets policies, incorporating Green Streets and green stormwater infrastructure into Complete Streets projects and prioritizing health, equity and fairness in transportation expenditures and project selection. Complete & Green Streets for All was developed in collaboration with a wide range of government and nonprofit partners including Tri-State Transportation Campaign, the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy of Rutgers University, American Heart Association-NJ Chapter, New Jersey Future, AARP-NJ, Sustainable Jersey, regional Transportation Management Associations, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, and many other stakeholder organizations.
Read full guide: Complete & Green Streets for All: Model Complete Streets Policy & Guide