Guide to Safe Routes and Zero Deaths Initiatives
Vision Zero, Road to Zero, and Toward Zero Deaths are the three initiatives at the national, state, and local levels focused on eliminating traffic-related fatalities across the United States. [...]
Planning a Walking School Bus
Planning a walking school bus takes a little effort to coordinate people, places, and logistics whether informal such as two families walking to school or more formally structured with [...]
Complete & Green Streets for All: Model Policy & Guide
This guide is a one-stop resource for New Jersey municipalities, counties, agencies, organizations, and advocates with an interest in implementing Complete Streets in their communities. The elements of this [...]
NJ School Zone Design Guide
The New Jersey School Zone Design Guide provides guidance for the community, government and schools involved in the effort to enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities to walk [...]
School Bicycle Parking Guide
School bicycle parking, particularly for elementary and middle-school students, requires additional considerations than for bike parking in other environments. Universally, bike parking should be secure, sheltered, easy to use, [...]
Can I Bicycle to School?
School policies play an important role in determining how students get to and from school each day. However, information on the consistency and types of policies that exist on [...]