Chesterfield Elementary School in Chesterfield NJ has been awarded one of twenty five mini-grants from the National Center for Safe Routes to School and Schwinn’s Helmets on Heads Program. The two organizations teamed up to provide these $1,000 mini-grants to twenty five schools throughout the country.  These mini-grants are intended to support a common goal of both organizations: to support educators, communities and families in encouraging children to safely bike to school.[lightbox link=”” thumb=”” width=”181″ align=”right” title=”National Partnership logo” frame=”true” icon=”image”]

With their mini-grant, Chesterfield Elementary School will purchase bicycle equipment to launch a bicycle safety program during their regular health and physical education classes. Their curriculum will include instruction on various bicycle safety skills, proper helmet fitting techniques and brain injury awareness. Once the fifth grade students graduate from the program, they will be able to assist in teaching these classes the following year as sixth graders.

The National Center for Safe Routes to School has reported receiving 170 eligible mini-grant applications from schools and community organizations nationwide. Chesterfield was able to distinguish their community in this highly competitive process through their innovative idea that identified a need for bicycle safety education and proposed a sustainable program to address it. Congratulations Chesterfield Elementary!

Learn more about the mini-grant program and view the full list of mini-grant recipients here