New Jersey launched a new strategic planning process in late 2011 to revisit and revise the SRTS Program’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives and, where necessary, align SRTS with the measures to gauge program performance. Much of the work in developing the plan took place at several strategic planning meetings that involved members of the Project Team and Steering Committee. The strategic planning process was informed by:
• a review of evaluation research underway via a five-state pooled fund study
• an overview of federal guidance on SRTS evaluation
• interviews with six state SRTS coordinators
Recognizing past successes and challenges while incorporating new research and findings into deliberations, the Steering Committee and Project Team developed a mission, vision, goals, objectives and performance measures to guide the State’s SRTS activities and shape the SRTS Program through the next five years.
Read the full report: Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan – November 2012
Read the full report: NJ SRTS Strategic Plan 2005-2009