Grants & Funding Overview

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is committed to advancing projects that enhance safety, renew aging infrastructure, improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and support new and alternative transportation opportunities. The Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) provides State assistance to local governments for the funding of road, bridge, and other transportation projects. The TTF provides State Aid to municipalities and counties for local transportation improvements on an annual basis. In addition, there are several programs which provide funding to counties and municipalities for transportation projects that are supported by federal funds.

Federally Funded Programs

NJDOT and New Jersey’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations administer federally funded programs to municipalities, counties, and communities in New Jersey to enhance and improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. These programs include:

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Grants

SRTS Grants may be used for infrastructure (construction) projects which encourage and enable students from grades K-12 to safely walk and bike to school within 2 miles of the school.

For more information on SRTS Grants, click here.

Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA Set-Aside)

TA Set-Aside Grants are community-based, non-traditional transportation projects (land and water) which expand travel choice, strengthen the local economy, improve the quality of life, and protect the environment.

For more information on TA Set-Aside Grants, click here.

State Funded Programs

NJDOT provides state-aid grants to counties and municipalities fro traditional and non-traditional transportation initiatives. State-Funded grant programs include:

  • Municipal Aid: This program assists municipalities in funding local transportation projects, and all municipalities in New Jersey are eligible to apply. NJDOT specifically encourages applications for pedestrian safety improvements, bikeways, and streetscapes, hoping to award 10% of all Municipal Aid funds for these projects specifically.
  • Transit Village: This program awards grants for transportation projects that enhance walking, biking, and/or transit ridership within ½ mile of the transit facility. Municipalities must already be designated as Transit Villages by the Commissioner of Transportation and the inter-agency Transit Village Task Force in order to apply.
  • Bikeways: This program funds bicycle projects that create new bike path mileage, working towards NJDOT’s goal of 1,000 miles of dedicated bikeways in New Jersey. Special consideration will be given to bikeways physically separated from vehicle traffic, but on-road bike lanes or other bike routes are also eligible for funding.
  • Safe Streets to Transit: This program encourages counties and municipalities to construct safe and accessible pedestrian linkages to transit facilities, in order to promote increased usage of transit by all segments of the population.

For more information on State Funded grants, visit the NJDOT Local Aid Resource Center.

Transportation Infrastructure Bank

A unique partnership between the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (I-Bank) and the NJDOT to make available low interest loans for local transportation infrastructure projects with a mission of reducing the cost of financing for New Jersey counties’ and municipalities’ critical transportation projects.

These loans are available for capital projects for public highways, approach roadways and other necessary land-side improvements, ramps, signal systems, roadbeds, transit lanes or rights of way, pedestrian walkways and bridges connecting to passenger stations and servicing facilities, bridges, and grade crossings.

For more information, click here.